Matcha Yogurt Popsicles

Makes 6 popsicles


● 500 ml zero fat greek yogurt
● 1 tbsp Organic Matcha powder
● 2 to 3 tbsp pure honey
● 2 tbsp chocolate chips 1 tsp of organic coconut oil

Method –

1. Add the yogurt, matcha powder and honey into a mixing bowl and using a small wire
whisk to mix it well. Make sure there are no lumps.

2. Pop the mixture into popsicle moulds and freeze for an hour. After an hour add the
ice cream sticks and place it back in the freezer for up to 4 hours or until set.

3. Add the chocolate chips and coconut oil into a microwave safe bowl and melt it,
drizzle on the popsicles just before you serve.

We hope you enjoy these recipes. Tag us on Instagram with your pictures of how you use matcha to make healthy treats.